DC Axial-Flow Fan(YE8025)

★General Specification(一般规格)


Frame And Lmpeller:Thermal Plastic UL 94V-0

☆Lead Wires:UL Type

BLACK Wire Negative(VCC)

☆Insulation Resistance:10MΩ Or Over With a DC250V Megger

☆Dielectric Withstand Voltage:AC500V 1S

☆Allowable Ambient Temperature Range:



Model Bearing Rated Operation Current Input Speed Air Flow Static Niose Weight
System Voltage Voltage power Pressure Level
(V) (V) (A) (W) (RPM) (CFM) (mm-H2O) (dB-A) (g)
(型号) (培林) (电压) (电压范围) (电流) (功率) (转速) (风量) (静压) (噪音) (重量)
YE8025HBL 110/220 100~230 4500
YE8025HBL 4000
YE8025HBL Ball 3500
YE8025HBL 0.04 1.86 3000 38.88 3.54 32.31 73
YE8025MBL 2500
YE8025LBL 2000